Tuesday, 26 February 2013

Application of Research

"Website Design Ideas"
In this chapter of assignment I am going to make sure that I am not breaking the Copyright Law in business by checking and researching about my other competitors and I am also going to explain how would I like my business (A's Clothing) website to be look like (color schemes, fonts, where would be the logo and pictures, etc.) to make sure I have everything I wanted for my business website I am going to make a checklist of my website design.

Storyboard of my Business Website:

Name of the Business: A's Fashion Clothing
I am going to use:
-Color Scheme: Baby Pink for my back ground.
-Font: Cambria style. I will also use Bold and Caps Lock.
-Clip Arts: A lady and a girl with shopping bags.
-Images: Models for babies, girls and ladies.
Home Page: In my Home Page I would like to use baby pink as my colour scheme for my background and I also would like to put a video/slideshow and some images too and when you click "HOME" the images will appear.

2nd Page (BABIES): In my 2nd Page I would like to put a Drop Down effect when you click "BABIES" and it will appear the Age List of a baby (0-12 months ans 12-36 months) and when they click the ages, all clothes that I am selling will appear automatically.

3rd Page (GIRLS): In my 3rd Page I would like to use girls images as a part of my background and I also want to put a Drop Down effect when you click "GIRLS" and it will appear the Age List of a baby (4-6 y/o, 6-8 y/o,8-10 y/o, 10-12 y/o and 12-14 y/o) and when you click the ages, all clothes that I am selling will appear automatically.

- 4th Page (LADIES): In my 4th Page I would like to put model's images as an example and I am also going to put a Drop Down effect when you click "LADIES". It will appear the different designs of dress you would like to wear.

- 5th Page (SALE): In my 5th Page I would like to put all the clothes that have been discounted for Babies, Girls and Ladies clothes.

- 6th Page (ABOUT US): In my 6th Page I would like to put the Vision and the Value of my business including the address, contact details, etc.

"As a Conclusion, this is my scratch plan for my business website. It may be very simple for everyone but I can 100% assure to everyone that my website will be safe for online shopping (safe payment transaction), easy to understand and easy to use."

Tuesday, 12 February 2013

Formal Documents

In this task I am going to describe 2 categories of business document letter (Formal and Informal) I am also going to choose 4 types of documents (E-mails, Invoice, Agenda and Minutes) that are usually used in business society. 

There are 2 categories of document in Business Society these are:

-Formal Document Letter: a formal writing style is by using a proper language (not slang), good use of paragraphs and points/ideas are clearly laid out.

-Informal Document Letter: a informal writing is by using slang words, no alignment of paragraphs and some points/ideas are mixed to another.

Both of them have their own time and place but businessmen/businesswomen should be aware of formal documents that used in business and the rules about how they are used.

I have chosen 4 types of Formal Document Letter these are: E-mails, Invoice, Agenda and Minutes. I am going to explain what are they.

  • An Invoice is a form request of payment or a bill receipt of products/services. In this form you can see the company bank details where you should put the money in. It also appears  in the slip your total amount that you need to pay and you can also see when is the due date for your payment.An invoice will have the company logo on the top, company contact details, on the left side is your costumer's details and on the left side is the invoice number, date and the order number. In the middle part of the paper where you can see the name of the orders, quantity and the price. Lastly, in the bottom part of the paper you can see the subtotal, tax percentage and the final amount of your order
Source: http://img.docstoccdn.com/thumb/orig/69578802.png

Here's an example of my company invoice:

  • E-mails are very useful and easy way of communicating to others, it can be use in formal or informal situations and both of them can be in internal if it's inside of an organisation or it can be also an external if it's outside of an organisation. For example: you can use e-mails for your personal matters or business matters. However, you must have an email account and you must know your friends/relatives' email addresses (gmail, yahoo, msn account) to be able to send messages, share images, etc to your friends, relatives, family; same thing in business so also must know your co-workers/clients' email addresses to be able send your business proposals, presentations for your meeting or other important documents.

An e-mail should have the email address of recipient, subject, salutation (in the beginning: Dear Sir/Madam, Mr/Ms.), The reason why you are writing, your message, salutation (in the end: Yours Sincerely, Yours Faithfully.) and your name/signature.

Source: http://www.buzzle.com/articles/business-email-sample.html

Here's an example of how to make a formal e-mail:

"The purpose of seding e-mails is to communicate between employer and employee (business). It is free and quick, it also give you evidence of what was informed and the time of sending and receiving (reading receipt) and it all about sales figures."

  • An Agenda is a list of ideas, topics or points to be discusses at a formal meeting. You can also see and find out in the agenda how long does it take the meeting and who will be attending the meeting. It can be Internal or External document.
An agenda can be internal/external document and will have the subject, location, date, time, chair number, name of attendees, topics, decisions required, owner and time. This might be all about marketing strategy.

Source: http://4.bp.blogspot.com/-XvTfl_HtDFg/T69E1A9Wh0I/AAAAAAAAAL0/1xNa4rOfW0A/s1600/BusinessMeetingAgendaTemplate.jpg

Here's an example of my company agenda:
  • The Minutes of a meeting are the reports on what was been discussed and decisions that have been taken/decided. 

Minutes will have the date, tittle of meeting, location, name of attendees and the items covered.

Source: http://mildgreenhelpliquid.com/wp-content/uploads/2011/01/Meeting-Minutes-Example.png

Here's an example of meeting minutes for my company: