Thursday 20 June 2013

Unit12: Merits

M1: In this task of assignment I am going to compare the features to business organisations operating online. Does any one of them achieve its aim and objectives better? How and why?. I chose H&M, TFL and Barnardo's Charity Website.

All of them have achieved their goals which is to make money and get enough profit. Each one of their website has got different features that may attract people to check their website. There's also a possibility that every 100 people who check their websites 85%-90% are buying something.

M2: In this task of assignment I am going to analyse the benefits to business and customers of conducting business online.

There's a lot of benefits that the seller can get from having a business online one of the reason why people prefer to have online business instead of on store business it is because the start up costs are cheaper than opening an in store business in high street and as an owner of online business, you will be able to easily gain customers worldwide because if it is just a local business. Then the seller will only be able to attract and receive local business. Whereas if it is online business, you will be able to get new and more customers, not only local but from all over the world. 

Sellers can easily promote and advertise your business to persuade customers online through social media such as twitter, facebook, instagram, etc. This is the most common way to be known as an online business. They can also close a deal anytime and you can access to your business whenever you are which means you can still make profit even you are on holiday.

Customers Benefits:

-Save Time: Customers don’t have to go to the shop, they can just relax at home and go to the company's website where they can make order and within 3-5 working days it will get delivered in their house. This is very convenient for everyone especially for all disabled customers because they do not need to carry heavy shopping bags. All they need to do is to make order through online and wait.
-Able to order anytime: Online shopping are available 24/7 which means you can make orders anytime and anywhere. You do not need to wait in a long queue and waste your time. All you need to do is choose your things that you want to buy and when you checked out you all you need to do is enter your card details and it is done.
-Different type of payment methods: Customers can choose different type of payment methods they can choose paying through Credit/Debit Cards, Payslips, Paypal, etc. It is also  keep your details safe and confidential  especially when you register at online website.
-Discounts: Online websites offer massive discounts. It can be much cheaper buying things online instead of in store products.

Therefore, there's also negative side of having an online business especially for customers. Why? Because if you are selling clothes, shoes, etc. They cannot able to try them first before they buy the products. It is also hassle for customers when they have to return/refund a product because they have to send it back to the seller. Customers need also to pay for the delivery charges.

M3: In this task of assignment I am going to explain on how website assists in achieving the aims and objectives of the business user. I chose the website of Bernardo's Charity to show is their website aim.

Aim: is to give information to the public about their activities for the children to show them that they are special and has a family by giving them the best care they can get from the charity.

Objectives: is to raise/make profit/money from selling their products though in stores or through online. Also having a fundraising activity for the charity is very helpful to get financial support for children’s needs.

Barnardo's website help the charity business to be more known all over the world, this help the business to make money anytime, anywhere. Why? because in just a click of people the word "DONATE TODAY" they can already help a lot of children to change their lives and have the opportunity to help them to move on from their past and you can help the charity to give children's need.

As a conclusion, every click you do, you give hope to all the children.

M4: ln this unit I am going to analyse the consequences for society of an increase in online business.

If online businesses are keep growing every now and then, this would be a really serious problem and it has a big impact for everyone, especially for all the local businesses in the high street. Local businesses will go out of businesses because they will lose all of their customers which means less profit to gain and there would be a possibility that the business owner will loss all of her/his money because we all know that now a days a lot of people prefer do shopping online instead of in store. Customers have a lot of reasons why they prefer to shop online. These are:

-Online Businesses have massive discounts.
-You do not need to queue up to pay.
-Products are out of stock in store.
-You can do multitasking, especially when you are at home.
-You can access to the website anytime you want.

Less or with no customers are coming into their store, businesses will go bankrupt which means if could not able to pay their rent, the police will force them to move to another place of to go out of business. Now a days, more customers/people are depending on online shopping which will make them stay at home most of the time and they might not be bothered to go out and go to shops, which will lead them to be inactive which will cause them to obese.

As a conclusion, depending on online business is good for sellers because they do not need a high amount of capital to be able to start to open a business but it is also really bad for customers because they may not notice the consequence of this in their health and others. Therefore, we always need to be careful on buying stuffs online because some of the websites are fake.

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