-What business communication is?
A business communication is the way how to promote the business or how to provide information about the business this could be be internal or external.
Internal means communicating to everyone who work for the company it could be face-to-face, e-mailing or talking on the telephone with managers and staffs. External means communicating to others outside the organisation it could be talking face-to-face, sending e-mails and talking guests on the phone.
-The Cavendish Hotel
The Cavendish Hotel is a 4 Star hotel which is located on prestigious Jermyn Street, in the heart of Mayfair parallel to Piccadilly in Central London.
The hotel was established in 1966, which is considered as one of the most modern hotel of its kind at the time. It is still fitting that the hotel continues this tradition of a contemporary and stylish hotel that sits comfortably with its history.
The Cavendish Hotel London were crowned as one of the top 100 best small companies to work in 2013 by the London Times and it was acquired by the Ascott Limited Company (1st October 2012).
-What written communication is?
Written communication is another way to communicate to people which verbally communication is not involve. Businesses use written communication to send letters or e-mails to inform their business partners and board directors that they will have a business meeting to talk about their new business project. It can also be used to read guests feed backs and complaints which the company can read the message and can be able to reply and resolve the problem.
P2/P3: In this task I am going to describe 2 categories of business document letter (Formal and Informal) I am also going to choose 4 types of documents (E-mails, Invoice, Agenda and Minutes) that are usually used in business society.
There are 2 categories of document in Business Society these are:
-Formal Document Letter: a formal writing style is by using a proper language (not slang), good use of paragraphs and points/ideas are clearly laid out.
-Informal Document Letter: a informal writing is by using slang words, no alignment of paragraphs and some points/ideas are mixed to another.
Both of them have their own time and place but businessmen/businesswomen should be aware of formal documents that used in business and the rules about how they are used.
I have chosen 4 types of Formal Document Letter these are: E-mails, Invoice, Agenda and Minutes. I am going to explain what are they.
- An Invoice is a form request of payment or a bill receipt of products/services. In this form you can see the company bank details where you should put the money in. It also appears in the slip your total amount that you need to pay and you can also see when is the due date for your payment.
An invoice will have the company logo on the top, company contact details, on the left side is your costumer's details and on the left side is the invoice number, date and the order number. In the middle part of the paper where you can see the name of the orders, quantity and the price. Lastly, in the bottom part of the paper you can see the subtotal, tax percentage and the final amount of your order.
- E-mails are very useful and easy way of communicating to others, it can be use in formal or informal situations and both of them can be in internal if it's inside of an organisation or it can be also an external if it's outside of an organisation. For example: you can use e-mails for your personal matters or business matters. However, you must have an email account and you must know your friends/relatives' email addresses (gmail, yahoo, msn account) to be able to send messages, share images, etc to your friends, relatives, family; same thing in business so also must know your co-workers/clients' email addresses to be able send your business proposals, presentations for your meeting or other important documents.
An e-mail should have the email address of recipient, subject, salutation (in the beginning: Dear Sir/Madam, Mr/Ms.), The reason why you are writing, your message, salutation (in the end: Yours Sincerely, Yours Faithfully.) and your name/signature.
Source: http://www.buzzle.com/articles/business-email-sample.html
Here's an example of how to make a formal e-mail:
"The purpose of seding e-mails is to communicate between employer and employee (business). It is free and quick, it also give you evidence of what was informed and the time of sending and receiving (reading receipt) and it all about sales figures."
- An Agenda is a list of ideas, topics or points to be discusses at a formal meeting. You can also see and find out in the agenda how long does it take the meeting and who will be attending the meeting. It can be Internal or External document.
Here's an example of my company agenda:
An agenda can be internal/external document and will have the subject, location, date, time, chair number, name of attendees, topics, decisions required, owner and time. This might be all about marketing strategy.
- The Minutes of a meeting are the reports on what was been discussed and decisions that have been taken/decided.

Source: http://mildgreenhelpliquid.com/wp-content/uploads/2011/01/Meeting-Minutes-Example.png
Here's an example of meeting minutes for my company:
Minutes will have the date, tittle of meeting, location, name of attendees and the items covered.
Formal language has rules on how to use it. Therefore, it can normally be used in public, news and business situations.
Informal language has no rules strictions which means you can shorten words but never use slang words like wanna/gonna. Therefore, it can normally be used with friends, family, colleagues, etc.
For young people you can use informal language but not slang language because now days it is easy for you just to catch young people's attention if the language you use is simple words/sentences. For example to advertise the summer promotion in public which is aimed for young people, you can use new media because most of young people are using social medias, send them text messages and send them e-mails because most of young people have smartphones which is they can check their emails anytime and there is possibility that you can get their attention by sending them e-mails with images, or you can also give them flyers/leaflets or posters but the less chance you catch their interest and attention because now days young people are not bothered to read what's on the paper, what they normally do is look at the picture and the design if they like it they will keep it, if not they will just throw it in the bin.
For elderly people you must use formal language because it is important that you use proper words or sentences whenever you talk to old people it is either in personal or through written communication so, they can easily understand things and it is also a way of showing respect because most elderly people are quit sensitive they always want proper details and proper explaination in everything, especially when you are advertising a travel for summer holiday. There are many ways where you can inform them about the promotion such as new media because they are more often watching TV so, there's a possibility that they see the advertisement and may be interested but this is based on contents of the advertisement because they may get offended.
M1/M2/M3: In this task of assignment I am going to describe methods of written communication in different business contexts. Secondly, I am going to compare and I will be talking about similarities and differences between an internal and an external document. Lastly, I am going to describe appropriate methods of written communication to different audiences. I am also going to use an example which is a letter for a family member and a letter for my manager at work.
Communication means exchange of words of mouth (information and ideas).
There's a lot of methods that can be used to be able to communicate with others, specially in business organisation. It is also important to each and everyone that they know which language are they going to use when they talk to people, it's either formal or informal.
Different methods of communication
1.) Verbal Communication: This method is usually can be used in face-to-face (e.g business meeting) because it is easier to explain things if you see the person that you are communicating with because it helps you to observe and see their body language if they are interested.
Keep on your mind that whenever you use verbal communication with others, be careful of your voice speed and tone. Try your best to avoid yourself to speak with your angry tones and control yourself speaking like you are defensive. Therefore, if you are doing a presentation in front of the team, make sure that you speak clearly and loudly so they able to hear and understand you.
As a conclusion verbal communication is the best method that you can use in business because you can discuss this more in details and an able to show examples if necessary.
2.) Written Communication: Now days, this method of communication is everywhere, especially in the workplace (e.g e-mails, letters, reports, etc) and other written documents are part of business life. This way is very convenient for everyone because you can explain or give proper detailed instructions. For example, if one of the managers went to another place to visit other shops it is easier for the manager to write a letter to inform her/his supervisors on what they should need to do next while she/he is far.
Email is a time saver for everyone, especially in the workplace. If you rely on e-mails and memos to conduct the business, it is important to insert a proper image and never use abbreviations. Always check your spelling and read the message all over again to assure that it is not confusing. Always remember that e-mails should be brief but straight to the point.
3.) Non-Verbal Communication: This method of communication is very hard for most of everyone, it plays a big role n the way you communicate with other people. Unless you are using sign language and other people understand what does it mean.
Always remember that you need to be aware of everything around you including your gestures, eye contact and body language because it all convey a message to the person that you are talking to them.
I am also going to use my e-mail response for the customer's complaint as an example of written communication. I used formal language to show to the customer that I care about what happened and I am willing to fix it as soon as possible.
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