Monday 22 April 2013

SWOT Analysis of A's Fashion Clothing

"A's Fashion Clothing"

-SWOT Analysis and Critical Success Factors:
In this unit of assignment I am going to analyze my business via SWOT (Strengths Weaknesses Opportunities and Threats) Analysis.

Strengths (Internal):
•I have passion in fashion (clothing).
•I have enough money to open a new business.
•Another strength of my business would be if my factory manufacture and produce good quality clothing this may satisfy customers and there would be a chance that they will tell others about my products and this will help my business to get more customers and this might be the start to get a good reputation/image of my own business.
Weaknesses (Internal):
•I don't have any experience running a business.
•Time: It will takes time to finish and produce all my products.
•High rent, when I pay high rent the less chance I gain profits.
•Another weakness of my business is when I decided to expand and when my business starts getting bigger, is the harder to maintain quality control. The more of each product I produce, there will be some clothing that is damaged through the process of production and if it gets in the hands of a customer they might complain and spread the word that the quality of my clothes are not that great as they expect.
Opportunities (External):
•I might do Products offers (student discounts, buy one get one 1/2 price).
•Another business opportunity is that my business may get a chance to network with other business people and get the chance to expand the business to other places/countries it could be nationwide or worldwide.
Threats (External):
•Competitions with other brands this include the prices of my products, it should be the right price of each clothes to encourage people to buy my clothes.
•Location: I have to be careful and think wisely where to open my business. I must choose the place where the population is big and the rent is low.
•Legal changes make it hard for me to open a new business.
•Business Failure: I may be bankrupt and ends up losing all my savings.

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